OMG.. Mji wa kipekee unaojulikana kama ‘Cat Heaven Island'..Furahisha macho yako hapa leo

The Japanese island of Tashirojima is the ideal vacation spot for cat ladies. That’s because the small fishing community of 100 is so dwarfed by the local feline population that the island has been nicknamed ‘Cat Heaven Island’.

Photographer Fubirai recently captured some of the island’s feline residents napping in alleys, bugging fishermen for a snack and just generally prowling around town.

Cats were first brought to the island to keep mice at bay from the silkworm farms.  But when industry left the island, so did the human population. 

That’s when the cat population boomed. The locals feed and care for the semi-feral cats believing it will being them good luck and prosperity. The fishermen also believe that the cats help predict weather patterns. 

The island has now become a popular tourist destination for people coming to see the cats. If you ever have the chance to visit the island, note that dogs are not welcome. Apparently no canines live on the island, and bringing them is frowned upon.

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